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Hinesburg Battery Energy Storage System

Hinesburg, VT

The VHB team leveraged our local knowledge and comprehensive understanding of permitting for the Hinesburg Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) project. The BESS included an extensive regulatory process, with testimony on potential project impacts for the Vermont Public Utility Commission to help Strata navigate Vermont’s Certificate of Public Good permitting process.

VHB designed the project to avoid impacts to natural resources, including shifting Strata’s identified site slightly northward to avoid a stream running through the project area. This creative design work helped Strata avoid several permitting processes, accelerating the project schedule. Over the course of the project, VHB coordinated with local regulatory agencies, including the Department of Environmental Conservation and the Department of Fish and Wildlife within the Vermont Agency of Natural Resources; and the Vermont Division for Historic Preservation.

The sound assessment included the development of a detailed model to predict project generated sound levels at the nearest property lines and residences. Sound contours were developed to understand the potential for project impact on nearby homes.

The sound assessment included a detailed model to predict project generated sound levels at property lines and residences.


  • Strata Clean Energy


  • Air & Noise Analysis

  • NEPA Documentation & Analysis

  • Permitting: federal, state, local
