VHB Helps Three Clients Secure RAISE Grants for Transportation Projects

Funding will support complete streets improvements and multimodal facilities.

July 16, 2024

Three longstanding VHB clients—the Norwalk Redevelopment Agency in Connecticut, the Rhode Island Department of Transportation (RIDOT), and the Town of Killington, Vermont—were awarded 2024 Rebuilding American Infrastructure with Sustainability and Equity (RAISE) grants. VHB assisted each in preparing the grant applications. The funding will help these clients implement multimodal facilities and complete streets improvements that will increase safety in their communities.

Collage of The MLK corridor in Norwalk and A rendering of the MLK corridor.
The current MLK corridor in Norwalk, Connecticut, and a rendering of the road with complete street improvements.

MLK Corridor Equitable Mobility Enhancement Project

In Norwalk, Connecticut, the Norwalk Redevelopment Agency was awarded $14 million to fund complete streets improvements surrounding the South Norwalk (SoNo) Train Station. VHB prepared the SoNo Station Area Master Plan in 2022 and is currently designing infrastructure improvements for a multi-block area around the station. The MLK project will improve safety for all travelers by implementing a road diet, separated bike lanes, and pedestrian facilities, which also serve to encourage multimodal transportation. The improvements will significantly improve resident and commuter experience in the vicinity of the SoNo Train Station. This is the second grant VHB helped the Agency secure. 

Henderson Phase 2 Multimodal Connections

In Providence, Rhode Island, RIDOT was awarded $25 million to convert the Henderson Expressway into a low-speed, complete street with a separated multiuse path. The enhanced roadway will soon be complemented by increased transportation access and nearby affordable housing. The funding will also help RIDOT complete infrastructure improvements related to construction of the new Henderson Bridge, which opened in November 2023.

Killington Road Reconstruction and Complete Streets

In Killington, Vermont, the Town of Killington was awarded $25 million for safety improvements and the construction of new active transportation infrastructure, including 2.7 miles of shared-use path and 1.4 miles of new sidewalk along Killington Road. Combined with transit access, these complete street improvements will increase community connectivity. The project prioritizes environmental sustainability, including measures to treat 100 percent of stormwater prior to its entry into nearby waterways.

An initiative of the U.S. Department of Transportation, RAISE grants are awarded for impactful transportation infrastructure projects. Announced on June 26, the 2024 RAISE grant awards totaled $1.8 billion.

VHB congratulates all 2024 RAISE grant recipients and looks forward to supporting RAISE projects with our integrated transportation services in the future.
