The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recently issued a draft of the
new Commercial, Industrial, and Institutional (CII) Stormwater General Permit for properties within the Charles, Mystic, and Neponset River Watersheds in Massachusetts. This new permit specifically targets existing properties, which is new for Massachusetts and will require properties to provide stormwater treatment for existing private impervious cover. Similar regulations are already in place in other New England states.
This permit will apply to private property owners of commercial, industrial, or institutional properties with one or more acres of impervious cover, such as parking areas or rooftops, which discharge to private storm sewers, municipal separate storm sewers (MS4), or directly to rivers and streams within the designated watersheds.
Under the new permit, private property owners will be required to file for coverage and develop a Stormwater Pollution Control Plan (SPCP) to meet watershed-specific phosphorous removal requirements.
VHB is ready to support our clients with the next steps:
Interpreting the Permit: Understanding the permit language and knowing where properties fall under the proposed regulations is a critical first step. VHB is available to provide guidance to interpret the potential impacts of the permit revisions.
Understanding Impact: VHB can help to clarify the financial and operational implications of this permit on our clients’ properties to effectively plan and respond.
By addressing these points, we aim to assist our clients in navigating the new stormwater permit requirements successfully.
As a leader in stormwater management design and master planning and significant experience in other New England states with similar permits already in place, VHB is well-positioned to support clients throughout the public feedback process and to help them understand permitting requirements. We recently collaborated with the Southern New England Program (SNEP) to develop the Property Owner Guide to Managing Stormwater, specifically designed to support private property owners with meeting the treatment requirements of these permits.
VHB's stormwater professionals deliver innovative and effective solutions tailored to our clients’ needs, employing forward-thinking technology solutions and a breadth of experience in permitting processes, environmental impact assessments, and regulatory compliance.
Read more about VHB’s Water Resources and Land Development services. Reach out to Ken Staffier with questions or concerns about the CII Stormwater General Permit and Theresa McGovern for questions about our Water Resources and Environmental services.