St. Joseph Affordable Housing Development Moves Forward in NYC

VHB-prepared EAS approved for Catholic Homes New York new housing project

July 29, 2021

Side view rendering of St. Joseph’s building.

New York City has approved the rezoning of the former St. Joseph Church site in the Bathgate community of the Bronx. Catholic Homes New York will develop St. Joseph Apartments, a 100 percent affordable project, which received full support from the Housing and Land Use Committee of Community Board 6. When complete, the development will add 287 new affordable units to the neighborhood, including 130 units for special needs/supportive housing and transform the vacant site, formerly the location of The Parish of St. Joseph, into a new community asset.

St. Joseph Apartments is a fully affordable project and has been designed for specific populations with corresponding funding to both provide capital financing and support services to make certain that all residents will be stable and successful in their new permanent housing. Serving these populations works toward the Mission of Catholic Charities to serve low-income families, the most vulnerable of the homeless populations, those with special needs, those aging out of Foster Care, and those with a history of mental illness who can successfully live in the community when support services are provided on site.

VHB prepared an Environmental Assessment Statement (EAS) to consider whether the new development would have impacts on the surrounding neighborhood. After assessing land use, zoning, public policy, community facilities and services, open space, shadows, noise, and hazardous materials and air quality, VHB determined that the St. Joseph apartment building would have no significant adverse impacts on the environment.

“We’re excited to be part of this project, which is bringing much needed affordable and supportive housing for those with special needs to the Bronx community,” said Nancy Doon, VHB’s Northeast Region Environmental Service Leader. “Our experience with Catholic Homes New York gives us the ability to guide them through the environmental review process so our solution-oriented partnership can help the community thrive.”

For more information, contact Nancy Doon.

