VHB recently secured a significant contract with the New York State Department of Transportation (NYSDOT) for the State’s Active Transportation Strategic Plan (ATSP). Active transportation (AT)—primarily human-powered transportation along with e-micromobility—contributes to healthier communities by encouraging physical activity, improving air quality, and fostering community connectivity. This comprehensive, two-year project will have a statewide focus, aiming to expand and improve active transportation along NYSDOT roadways across 11 distinct regions to increase safety while providing convenient access to and throughout the state’s urban, suburban, and rural areas.
In support of the Draft Plan, VHB will help NYSDOT establish goals for AT—including walking, bicycling, and micromobility enhancements—develop policy-based strategies to accomplish these goals and develop performance measures to document progress on AT goals. In addition, the VHB team will provide policy guidance to help NYSDOT effectively manage programs, investments, project priorities, roadway design processes, and public outreach. VHB will also identify interagency coordination opportunities, allowing for synergies between the State’s transportation, parks, public health, economic development, safety, tourism, and environmental conservation departments.
“By leveraging our proven approach, extensive experience in statewide planning, and inclusive public engagement framework, we are confident that this plan will lay a strong foundation for a more integrated and sustainable transportation system, enhancing the quality of life for residents and visitors alike.”
Once complete, the ATSP will serve as a guiding document for NYSDOT, metropolitan planning organizations (MPOs), partner agencies, local governments, and stakeholders to develop a transportation system that safely and efficiently accommodates healthy and environmentally friendly mobility for New Yorkers of all ages and abilities. Additionally, the plan will create a framework for policies, programs, funding, and implementation strategies that aim to establish New York as the nation's most walkable, transit-based, and bike-friendly state.
Learn more about our work with State DOTs and transportation planning.