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Smart Orlando Downtown Advanced Traffic Operations Project

Orlando, FL

The Florida Department of Transportation District 5 commissioned the Smart Orlando Downtown Advanced Traffic Operations Project (SODA TOP), a federally funded design-build Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) project, to improve transit reliability, mobility, and safety for pedestrians and motorists in Orlando. SODA TOP places Connected Vehicle Roadside Units (RSUs) at intersections and Onboard Units (OBUs) on transit buses, optimizing signalization timing and detecting traffic incidents while collecting data from the buses. Additionally, Automated Traffic Signal Performance Measure (ATSPM) detection systems have been installed to collect data that FDOT can use to develop reports (e.g., approach and turning movement counts or arrivals on red and green) to improve mobility.

Artificial intelligence (AI) systems are being deployed in tandem to complement the ATSPM detection systems. The AI systems will determine when vehicular and pedestrian volumes exceed a predetermined threshold. When the threshold is exceeded, the system will enact peer-to-peer programming between controllers within predefined control zones to implement preplanned timing plans along designated corridors. The vision is to improve safety and mobility through a connected community by building smarter infrastructure that improves residents’ quality of life and reduces environmental impact.

To support SODA TOP, VHB is furnishing design services, specification development, permit coordination for AI device installation, specification development, agency coordination, environmental permitting, and integration services, including the programming of the traffic signal controllers, video detection systems, and RSUs.

Garland Ave street sign at a busy intersection.


  • SICE, Inc. (Florida Department of Transportation District 5)


  • ATMS Design

  • Corridor Studies

  • Design-Build

  • ITS Design

  • Maintenance & Protection of Traffic

  • Multimodal Transportation Planning and Design

  • Pedestrian Safety Studies

  • Permitting: federal, state, local

  • Regulatory Agency Coordination

  • Road Safety Audit

  • Traffic Calming Design

  • Traffic Engineering

  • Traffic Impact Analysis

  • Traffic Management & Operations

  • Traffic Safety Analysis

  • Traffic Signal Design & Engineering

  • Traffic Simulation Modeling
