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Virginia Highway Safety Improvement Program


The Virginia Highway Safety Improvement Program (VHSIP) has shifted its focus to cost-effective, widespread safety improvements rather than large capital projects at specific locations. Through this program, the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) aims to enhance safety by targeting high-risk roadway features that can be corrected with low-cost safety enhancements. VHB partnered with VDOT to  deliver and administer this program, providing insight into planning, management, project prioritization, cost estimation, design, and implementation.

The initial two phases of VHSIP secured funding for numerous initiatives focused on low-cost, highly effective, and widely applicable safety measures. VHB played a critical role in working alongside VDOT to develop, manage, and deliver these programmatic changes across the Commonwealth. This involved educating stakeholders, collecting data, identifying potential systemic initiatives, designing improvements, tracking implementation, and facilitating communication between Districts and the Central Office via tracking tools and regularly scheduled meetings. Additionally, VHB supported a new program to provide direct technical assistance to local agencies.

A before photo of the street before safety enhancements were made.An after image shows the new crosswalk and pedestrian refuge.

Through our integrated approach and collaboration with VDOT, we effectively addressed critical safety needs and rapidly implemented life-saving measures throughout the Commonwealth’s urban and rural roadways. VHB's strategic leadership in safety planning and engineering support was key in delivering cohesive and timely statewide infrastructure improvements. Our efforts included the preparation of over 700 traffic signal modification plans and contributing to the enhancement of over 300 miles of rural roads, leading to significant improvements in road safety.

VDOT plans to continue expanding VHSIP initiatives by incorporating innovative technologies and strategies to further enhance road safety and address emerging transportation challenges.

An intersection before any pedestrian accommodations were added.An after image of the same intersection with crosswalks and pedestrian signals added.


  • Virginia Department of Transportation


  • Cost Estimating

  • Data Collection, Management & Analytics

  • Policy Analysis

  • Program Management

  • Road Safety Audit

  • Safety Management Systems

  • Strategic Planning

  • Traffic Engineering

  • Technical Training

  • Traffic Safety Analysis

  • Traffic Signal Design & Engineering


  • 2024 RISE Award
