VHB collaborated with the Town of Colchester on a scoping study which identified and assessed options to tackle mobility, traffic congestion, and stormwater issues in the Malletts Bay area. The study's goals included improving traffic operations and safety at the critical “Bayside” intersection, improving bicycle and pedestrian accessibility along West Lakeshore Drive, and, in partnership with a subconsultant, identifying a suite of stormwater treatment strategies to enhance the water quality of Malletts Bay. After assessing options, VHB developed a high-quality, creative, and comprehensive solution to help Colchester secure grant funding through the Vermont Agency of Transportation (VTrans) to advance one of the recommended projects.
After the completion of the study, VHB was selected to complete the design of a new roundabout at the “Bayside” intersection to replace the existing signalized intersection. VHB conducted a topographic field survey, natural and cultural resource investigations, and contaminated soils investigations, and prepared a detailed traffic analysis of the roundabout operations, as well as conceptual and preliminary plans. With the “Bayside” intersection being a critical juncture within the Town, VHB worked with the Selectboard and public to select and implement a temporary signalized intersection to minimize disruptions to the traveling public throughout construction. Working through the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) process, VHB prepared right-of-way plans, final plans, and contract documents, and provided engineering support during construction. Construction of the roundabout required the acquisition of property from the adjacent Bayside Park through funds from the US National Park Service (NPS). To satisfy NPS requirements, VHB prepared a Section 6(f) “conversion package” as part of the NEPA documentation.