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VT Route 116/CVU Road Intersection Improvements

Hinesburg, VT

With increasing traffic on Route 116, the Vermont Agency of Transportation (VTrans) recognized the need for improved safety and efficiency through the busy intersection of Route 116 at CVU and Shelburne Falls Roads in Hinesburg, VT. VHB delivered a wide range of services in support of this intersection improvement project, including preliminary scoping, project design, land survey, and the development of right-of-way plans and titles. Our team conducted an original ground survey that covered over 5,000 linear feet of roadway and included detailed utility identification. Using the collected data, VHB built a 3-dimensional Digital Terrain Model (DTM) and created an annotated base plan to accurately document all existing details.

An intersection with traffic light, cars and trees undergoing road construction.


  • Vermont Agency of Transportation


  • 3-D Visualization

  • Data Collection & Analysis

  • Geomatics

  • Land Survey

  • Modeling
