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VHB Welcomes Liz Stutts as Transit Development Lead

Orlando, FL

September 29, 2022

Liz Stutts stands outside an office building wearing a blue jacket

VHB welcomes Elizabeth (Liz) Stutts as Transit Development Lead in Orlando. Liz will provide leadership and insight into Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) and Federal Transit Administration (FTA) transit initiatives, as well as innovative grant leveraging practices. Liz joins VHB after an impressive 30 years with FDOT Central Office, where she managed federal and state transit grants, transit planning, and transit operations. Liz’s unique understanding of discretionary and formula grant programs will help our clients develop competitive grant applications, position projects for success, and meet federal and state grant requirements.

The Florida Commission for the Transportation Disadvantaged recently recognized Liz with its 2022 William G. and Budd Bell Lifetime Achievement award provided for exceptional service, personal excellence, and dedication toward serving persons who are transportation disadvantaged.

Her expertise in transit finance and grant management, combined with her project development experience from a state perspective, comes at a critical time for transit growth in Florida.

During her time at FDOT, Liz worked to develop the state’s first State Management Plan to maintain compliance with federal and state regulations. She assisted in the establishment of the state’s transit vehicle and equipment cooperative purchasing contract, which provided a much-needed resource to transit agencies. This performance standards-based model has served as an example for many other state agencies. Additionally, Liz lent her expertise to the development of regional FDOT training centers and created efficiencies in training transit operations and maintenance employees. Liz also initiated the development of the state’s nationally recognized Transportation Demand Management (TDM) training course.

Liz graduated from the University of Colorado with a Bachelor of Science in Journalism and Public Relations and a Minor in History. She is a member of WTS International, past-President of the Association for Commuter Transportation (ACT) and served on the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Official’s (AASHTO) Multi-State Transit Technical Assistance board. Connect with Liz via email or on LinkedIn.
