Allston Yards is a mixed-use transit-oriented community that is being developed on the site of an existing suburban style shopping center. The development will contain more than 1.2‑million‑square‑feet of residential, office, retail, and open space as well as a new, ultramodern grocery store. Continuing to build on our 30-year relationship, Stop & Shop relied on our team to address site challenges. The first phase includes a multi-level, state-of-the-art Stop & Shop that will be integrated into a 176-unit residential building. Design and phasing of the new utility systems will allow the Stop & Shop to remain open for business while a new roadway network is built around the existing store and the proposed residential building. The second phase calls for the construction of additional housing units, parking, retail, and office space.
Allston Yards
Allston, MA

Stop & Shop
New England Development
Bikeway & Pedestrian Planning
Civil Engineering
Parking Studies, Design, & Engineering
Traffic Engineering
Transit Planning & Design
Utilities Design